We find that if we don’t tweet at least five times per day, seven days a week we lose visibility among followers. We tend to keep our tweets spaced out by at least four hours. Engagement with Twitter followers is usually heightened midweek between 1-3pm.
People tend to tweet more than they post content on their Facebook timeline. Twitter also only allows for updates of 140 characters whereas Facebook allows for up to 5,000 characters. So you are connecting with an audience looking for relevant, but concise updates.
For example, if a retail business is hosting a seasonal sale, tweets should focus on the discounted items, especially in the lead up to the sale or popular shopping days such as Black Friday and Boxing Day. For example, you could tweet an image of an item on sale including the discounted price or a link to an interesting article on how the item works.
Similar to Facebook, without a stream of timely and relevant posts your tweets will not appear in your followers’ newsfeed. Brands that tweet on a regular and frequent basis will also see high engagement among Twitter followers. On days where we tweet more than usual (over 5 tweets), we usually see a spike in Twitter followers. Twitter is a high volume social media channel, and unless you Tweet enough it is potentially a wasted effort.
Don’t forget you can retweet to keep your volume up and that you can tweet photos and now, GIFs.
It’s heating up down here, best seek the shade of beach bar and stay hydrated! #TGIF #BeachBar #BVI #Tortola pic.twitter.com/AEVQVWd9MH
— Nanny Cay (@nannycay) June 13, 2014
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