Broadsword Brings ‘Racing In Paradise’ Into the Web 2.0 World

Broadsword recently completed a site revamp for Racing In Paradise (RIP),
the IC24 builders and race organisers.  Their old site was too static
with all the “newsy” stuff buried in the site and too much work to
update it.

Using some of the latest web 2.0 backends, Broadsword has put
together a simple but powerful site that enables RIP to put all the
latest news, photos, download-able event documents, etc, front and
centre.  All the pages can be administered by RIP staff and the site
includes all the necessary add-ons for spreading the good word like RSS
feeds, trackbacks and submission tools for social networks such as
Facebook, and Digg.

All the video and audio podcasts can be previewed on the site, downloaded and found on iTunes.  RIP also uses Broadsword|eznews to keep its audience informed and drive traffic to the site.

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